47U 600 Wide x 800 Deep Prism PI Data Cabinet
The 47U 600 Wide x 800 Deep Prism PI Data Cabinet is manufactured in Great Britain from 2mm steel and can accommodate all of today’s data centre requirements. This additional higher grade of material allows a static loading of up to 750kgs to be used.
Designed to offer flexibility across a range of data centre and comm’s room applications for networking, cabling, broadcast and communications. The PI Data Cabinet represents a cost effective housing solution for all networking and data equipment.
All Prism PI Data cabinets are fitted with a lockable perspex (12U-39U) or glass (42U-47U) front door and a rear metal vented door as standard. To complete the specification each cabinet comes with lockable vented side panels and a configurable top panel system to incorporate fan and brush entry solutions.
Features include:
- Fully adjustable 19 inch ‘vendor neutral’ mounting profiles
- Enclosed perspex/glass front door with slam latch lock
- Lockable rear steel door with low level venting
- Vented and lockable side panels
- Raised and vented top cover with cable entry for overhead cable installations
- Open base design
- Earth bonding kit supplied
- Transport castors included
- Vertical cable management (800mm wide only)
- Colour: Black or Goose Grey
- Full range of complimentary accessories including fan units, shelves and PDU’s
- Lockable side panels with high and low level venting
- Raised and vented top cover with cable entry
- Configurable roof options for overhead cable installations
- Open base design with plate options to maintain security
- Earth bonding kit supplied
- Transport castors
- Vertical cable management (800mm wide only)
- Full range of complimentary accessories including fan units, shelves and PDU’s
- Supplied assembled (flat pack option available)
Colour Options:
- Black or Goose Grey
Other Size Options for 600mm Wide Prism PI Data Cabinets:
The 600mm Wide Prism PI Data Cabinets are available in a range of height options from 9U to 47U and depth options of 600mm or 800mm.
- Heights: 9U (550mm), 12U (740mm), 15U (820mm), 18U (1010mm), 21U (1085mm), 27U (1410mm), 39U (1945mm), 42U (2080mm), 45U (2205mm) and 47U (2205mm)
- Depths: 600mm or 800mm
Cabinet Accessories:
The Prism PI Data Cabinets have a range of optional accessories available including Permanent Heavy Duty Castors, Fan Trays, Plinths, Shelves and Power Distribution Units.