Marshall-Tufflex Flame Retardant Tufflex Tile

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CPT1 Marshall-Tufflex Flame Retardant Tufflex Tile

Call for Pricing  Tel 01322 553822

Do not purchase online as pricing is based on quantity & price support is available

The Tufflex Tile is a quick and easy pattress solution that takes the hassle out of traditional ceiling installations.

Using plywood or MDF as a pattress when installing electrical products is arduous and time consuming. The Tufflex Tile is super lightweight, strong and easy to cut or drill meaning installations can be completed far more quickly. Additionally, the product is flame retardant and LSF removing a key component of the fire triangle

  • Super lightweight Correx material
  • Easy to handle and store
  • Pre-cut 595 x 595mm squares
  • No need to cut or saw plywood/MDF
  • Pre-chamfered edges for a quick fit
  • Flame retardant and self-extinguishing
  • Requires less PPE (as no need for cutting and sawing)
  • No waste or dust (as no need for cutting and sawing)


MDCRB2WH   Double back entry – loop in  circular boxes 34mm internal depth (white clamps). Cut out = 70mm.

MDLB1WH      Standard Box 1 gang 34mm internal depth

Call for Pricing  – Do not purchase online as pricing is based on quantity & price support is available