R180000 TREND NETWORKS Tone Generator and Amplifier Probe Kit

SKU: TONESET Category:
£99.00 ex VAT£118.80 inc VAT


R180000 TREND NETWORKS Tone Generator and Amplifier Probe Kit


• Cable tracing for Data, Telephone and COAX.

• To identify a specific pair of wires

in a multi-pair cable.

• Troubleshooting cabling faults to

identify breaks and poor cables.

Tone Generator

• Trace longer cables using the industry leading power output.

• Solve issues faster with power supply for external talk sets.

• Verify cabling with polarity and continuity.

• Easy to use and requires no training.


• Locate weak signals using the highly sensitivity probe.

• Easier cable tracing with both audible and visual indicators.

• Find cables in noisy environments using the earphone jack.

Datasheet: TREND Tone-Probe-Brochure UK

1 to 2 day lead time

Additional information


TREND Networks

Tester Type

Tone and Probe Kit