TREND NETWORKS Sapphire Care Plan for LanTEK III/IV Cable Certifiers

From£522.50 ex VAT£627.00 inc VAT


TREND NETWORKS  Sapphire Care Plan for LanTEK III/IV Cable Certifiers

Free Annual Calibration

Maintain Accuracy

Cable certifiers require calibration every 12 months to ensure measurements are accurate and they comply with the international technical standards. ISO IEC 61935-1 and TIA 1152. Ideal Networks will calibrate the certifier at no extra cost and perform any software and firmware updates that are required.

Free repairs

Protect Against Unforseen Bills

The certifier and all accessories are covered for standard repairs during the term of the Sapphire Care Plan.

Free Training & Technical Support

TREND NETWORKS expert technicians will provide online training and technical support, free of charge.

Free Shipping

Reduce Costs

When your Lantek III/IV requires repair or calibration TREND NETWORKS will arrange for onsite collection and return delivery free of charge.

Free Replaceable Wear Parts

Reduce Cost of Ownership

Every Year choose from one of the following options, free of charge:

  • 4 x Permanent Link Adapter Tips (Pair)
  • 4 x CAT6A Reference Patch Cord (Single)
  • 2 x CAT6A Channel Adapter (Single)
  • 2 x CAT6/5e Channel Adapter (Single)
  • 2 x LanTEK III/IV Battery (Single)

Free Loan Unit During Repairs and Calibration

No Downtime

In the event your LanTEK III/IV may need repair, a loan tester will be dispatched within one working day of a fault being reported. For calibrations a loan unit is supplied to minimise downtime and keep you up and running. The loan unit is delivered prior to your LanTEK III/IV being collected.

Terms & Exclusions

  • The first free accessories can be claimed anytime within the first twelve months of the Sapphire Care Plan commencing. Accessories cannot be carried over to the following twelve month period and it is the customer’s responsibility to claim the free accessories.
  • Customer must return the certifier(s) on loan within one week of receiving their certifier(s). Please contact customer services to arrange collection of the loan unit(s). If not, the customer will be billed for the full replacement cost of the loaned unit(s).
  • Customer must include all permanent link and channel adapters when sending a certifier for calibration.
  • Calibration loan units – To ensure a loan unit is available, the calibration must be scheduled 6 weeks in advance of the requested calibration date. The calibration must also occur within 4 weeks of the calibration due date. If the calibration is scheduled outside of this time period, there is no guarantee that a loan unit will be available.
  • The Sapphire Care Plan cannot be purchased for LanTEK III certifiers older than 5 years.
  • Free repairs are not included for defects arising from fair wear and tear, wilful damage or negligence.
  • If a Sapphire Care Plan is purchased for a LanTEK III/IV certifier unit that is older than 60 days, prior to coverage taking effect, a prior inspection of the unit will be required to ascertain that it is in good working order. If faults are found or calibration is required, an estimate for the repair or calibration cost will be provided to you for approval. Once authorisation and payment have been received, the LanTEK III/IV will receive priority service and the Sapphire Care Plan will commence upon shipment to you. If the LanTEK III/IV certifier unit is in working order, no charge will be incurred for the cost of inspection and the LanTEK III/IV certifier unit will be returned and the Sapphire Care Plan will commence on the date the certifier is returned.
  • When purchasing the Sapphire Care Plan for FiberTEK III/IV the certifier must also be covered by the standard Sapphire Care Plan option.


  • LanTEK II/III certifiers older than 5 years
  • Defects arising from fair wear and tear, wilful damage or negligence


Brochure (with full details of terms and conditions): ideal-sapphire-care-plan-dl6-uk-1

Additional information


TREND Networks

Select Your Plan

"LanTEK III/IV 1 Year (within 60 days of tester purchase)", "LanTEK III/IV 2 Year (within 60 days of tester purchase)", "LanTEK III/IV 3 Year (within 60 days of tester purchase)", "LanTEK III/IV 1 Year (after 60 days of tester purchase)", "LanTEK III/IV 2 Year (after 60 days of tester purchase)", "LanTEK III/IV 3 Year (after 60 days of tester purchase)", "FiberTEK III/IV 1 Year (requires existing LanTEK plan)", "FiberTEK III/IV 2 Year (requires existing LanTEK plan)", "FiberTEK III/IV 3 Year (requires existing LanTEK plan)"

Tester Type

Fibre Tester, Network Certifier

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